Supporting biology students with learning differences in the classroom, research laboratory, and academic advisement
Video recording (1 hour)
- This 68 minute presentation describes clinical conditions that comprise learning disabilities, approaches for providing broad range supports for individuals with LD in college, and easy to implement strategies for supporting students with LD when teaching, mentoring and/or advising.
Facilitating Diverse Talents in Individuals with Learning & Related Disabilities
- This presentation and activity worksheet describes clinical conditions captured under the “umbrella term” of learning disabilities and guides the learner through two brief experiential activities designed to simulate LD-related reading and math difficulties. A focus includes actions that classroom instructors can implement to promote success of students with diverse approaches to learning.
Learning disabilities at University of Florida
Video recording (22 min)
- This 22 minute presentation describes initiatives at UF for supporting the success of students with learning differences and describes learning styles and strengths common to individuals with learning disabilities.
Universal design for instruction: What works for UF students with learning disabilities
Video recording (25 min)
- This 25 minute presentation describes universal design for learning, which is the is the gold standard for how to best provide classroom support for students with learning disabilities and provides student perspectives of how core principles of universal design for learning positively impacts their academic experiences.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- UDL is “a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn.” UDL has designed an instructional framework that teachers can apply across all subject areas and lesson topics. UDL recognizes that each student differs in his or her interests, perspective, and skill set, and this fact should be seen as an asset to the classroom. Therefore, UDL offers guidelines to teachers for creating engaging lessons that appeal to all types of learners. The variety of strategies, lesson ideas, and standards can be particularly helpful for educators seeking to support and encourage students with learning disability in the classroom.
AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability
- AHEAD is a professional organization specifically focused on the development of policies and instructional practices that support students with disabilities in higher education. AHEAD offers numerous workshops and conferences for professionals working in higher education, and helpful resources are also provided for students transitioning into college